The Ripples of Unfiltered Joy

About Joy

Solving problems is easy, effective, and ethical when you take them (and the humans involved) out of the paradigm they were created in.

Seeing all the angles of the cause and effect of mindset, patterns, and behaviors from a broader, deeper, and higher perspective helps achieve the purpose of business:

Humans helping other humans stay human.

Joy Osaka-Lu

Founder | Solutions and Mindset Strategist | Speaker

For 34 years in Corporate America, I optimized ways to solve pervasive, sticky problems that people avoided…without compromising my integrity.

It was the perfect environment for my personal journey while changing paradigms that entrapped my colleagues in helplessness, inefficiency, and overworking.

This was helpful when working in operations, marketing, regulatory compliance as a project lead, business case developer, consultant, and systems analyst…

…even as an Asian American woman in mature industries (global finance, investment management) led by those who were whitewashed.

This was seeded by my mom who told me I’d never use my race, gender, or age to advance but instead, my merit.

She knew that the normal external identifiers could be used as a hammer as well as differentiator as a west coast Japanese American interned during WWII.

It’s been my journey to figure out how to do just that.

It started with unwinding the social engineering of uninformed consent, the problematic patterns it creates, and our mindsets in corporate models of authority, including the government, regardless of sector or industry.

That allowed me to walk through corporate silos, walls and layers to see problems that others couldn’t. I saw markers and value points to guide the way forward to unusual and effective solutions.

I asked better questions that broke the rigidness of standardized business without diminishing my acumen to get buy-in…and even have fun.

And, because my solutions were unique, I had to learn to use my big voice, big ideas, and big energy effectively to solve for the current state that built space for the future so others could see themselves within the solution.

Since 2018, I now discover value by working with business owners to expand their mindset and perspective for sustainable, rapid growth.

This form of operational fluency includes:

  • leveraging ambiguity as a clarity bridge between life and business by giving the full context of what’s happening and why.

  • scaling without losing their mission, soul or minds through strategic, integrative frameworks.

  • preparing them for the world stage with messages that are based on real world ripples caused by their paradigm shifts.

And, my goal remains the same now as it did back in corporate:

Be so good at what I do that I work myself out of a job after everyone in the world lives in their unfiltered joy.

I’m a wife, dog mom, native Californian, emerging ethnobotanist, and EveryDayWands maker.

Truth with solutions.  EmailLinkedIn

The Corporate and Consciousness Bridge

The elements of Universal Design of Business Operations

Operational fluency thrives when strategy, internal dynamics interconnect horizontally and vertically.

Systems thinking and project management can drive this integration to catalyze responsibility, innovation, and far-reaching change in lock-step with rapid growth.

All incorporate the human element of mindset patterns that make business possible.


Spiritual nerd modalities

In addition to my professional experience in solutioning one business issue to yield multiple outcomes, I seamlessly blend these into my client practice…without the woo.

Quantum Thinking, Subconscious patterns visible in Bioreprogramming and Epigenetics, InnerDevelopment Goals Framework, Ethnobotany, and conscious life purpose map making.

Be the one ripple that changes everything.