The Ripples of Business Enigmas
The nature of life and business has changed.
Post-2020, the world has reorganized while we each learned something deeper about ourselves.
For those on the leading edge, the quest to expand that inherent status requires support into a realm that most people cannot access.
Both our potential and capacity have expanded as we now navigate into a new era where political, social, economic, and technological dynamics shift moment by moment.
Old ways don’t open new doors but now, only recreate the best of the past.
AI is not the big thing.
Organic quantum intelligence is, when applied functionally in business and life.
Operational mosaics consider:
The manner in which you responsibly design and create systems, processes, and frameworks that create a perpetual ripple effect because logic alone is not enough.
The deeper and wider understanding of missed components, the right sequence of actions to take, and a BAU of accountability and durability.
How every aspect of your business scales with grace, turning hard work into a model that’s is effective and efficient now, next, and into the future.
The shitty truth about where “the best” now stands:
You didn’t go far or deep enough.
You know that fissures inevitably have to be addressed now…or later and being one who hates being at a disadvantage….
Here’s what to keep in mind:
Evidence of your operational fluency:
How well your capabilities company culture stacks as it grows reflects how much respect and integrity was ingrained in it at the front end.
How easy it is for others to buy-in reflects reflects how solidly your vision is operationalized in courage and honesty in the back end.
How efficient your systems, data, and processes are reflects how well they were designed to measure the right things…with wonder, not agendas.
Evidence of how your core values translate into effective actions:
How you attract, engage, and retain your customers and right fit allies reflects how much space and trust is in your infrastructure to support their journey beyond acquisition and the value they don’t think about.
How easily your grow your teams and adjacent opportunities reflects the foundational infrastructure that supports overall sense-making and balance beyond the hours in the office.
How rapidly dynamic dots connect reflects how you have sequenced the reality of BAU that make sustainable prominence possible beyond the numbers.
These points pivot on the humans who create, drive, and support the systems, processes, and data that create your matured metrics.
Too often, leaders focus on the wrong end of the problem resulting in solutions that miss the mark.
That’s why a new breed of advisors is emerging that builds upon everything you’ve already achieved to solve the enigmas emerging that your peers are unaware of.
I’ve found this makes it easier.
“One ripple can change everything” means
The 1º shifts to shift from friction’s complexity into informed simplicity:
Choice: Create a mosaic that enhances your current situation and simultaneously builds your future sustainably and smartly. Ease for you.
Connection: Broaden your perspective, but not over engineer it, to mature operations model effectively and efficiently. Ease for us.
Core essence: Deepen and widen your wisdom and experience to communicate accurately why you’re here on earth. Ease for everyone with less effort.
I know:
Everything around you is a doorknob to what you want when you have the right sensibilities of how you open them but most people unwittingly don’t see or know how to turn them.
Having someone who has your best interest at heart is not an easy treasure to find but it’s the sages, having surpassed their own agendas, who can see what you can’t.
They know surprising ways to evolve risk, expense, and performance management by looking at the expectations from a different angle.
Critical thinking with consciousness supports the multiplicity of where the world is unknowingly headed.
Desired Outcome → Mindset → Decisions→Actions → Others’ Perceptions → Experiences
Some solutionists work on making life in a box easier and prettier…so humans can find their way out of it.
Others focus on removing the box entirely through truth with solutions so humans can find their way forward.
I show those in business how to make both aspects useful and perpetual.
All are equally important.
The big idea behind One ripple can change everything
Ripples symbolize growth towards authenticity and resilience, guiding us to self-renew and thrive while we focus our energy into business frameworks that grow with us.
We’re reminded that purpose is both immense and intimate, informing actions that align with our deeper meaning and sustain the logical elements of running a business.
Here, the right action is more important than being right, where profit coexists with principles.
“How” you do what you do means everything.
One Ripple shapes operational fluency through how business capabilities are implemented that are good for all humans.
What makes ripples hard:
Complications, ineffectiveness, inefficiencies, and inaccuracy embedded in processes that have separated from the magic of your company’s secret sauce.
This is where the things we take for granted and never question replace our unfiltered trust in our mission.
And, results in overworking and overpowering circumstances and people to close the gap.