The map into the unknown
A year after CV-19 cloaked humanity
my love for life has deepened as my business has became a mirror for it.
This time last year I experienced and felt something I never dreamed would happen here in Los Angeles, CA much less the entire world.
Stay-at-home orders
The first pin dropped on the Map into the Unknown.
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash
1Q2020 was great.
My first book, The Dharma of Business, launch party.
A beautiful client through my newly launched business retainer model.
A #1 best seller launch of a second book I co-authored, Lead. Amazing Woman. Lead.
A roadmap that included a TEDX talk for 3Q20.
And then things went from 120 mph to a dead stop giving my soul a whiplash like no other.
No activity beyond what is essential which curiously included liquor and pet stores in addition to grocery stores, pharmacies, some medical services.
Collectively, I felt and smelt the planet contract into:
The Unknown.
I drowned in it while queueing up for groceries.
…Empty shelves.
…no eggs, milk, bottled water, toilet paper.
…no more entitlement for this American woman.
For the first time in my life, I saw contexts here in the US that mirrored what our Russian American friends had described life in their motherland to be like.
It didn’t feel good…
but like in all emergencies,
I saw the best of humanity stand up
The second pin dropped on the Map into the Unknown.
Photo by Tim Marshall on Unsplash
The NextDoor Help Maps of neighbors offering to run errands for the elderly or vulnerable…still active to this day in my neighborhood.
Neighbors on my street checking in with each other more often...
…exchanging eggs for lemons.
Spending more time outside chatting about everything…wearing PJs and uncombed hair and unbrushed teeth.
Reassuring each other that we weren’t alone.
Increased calls with family to declare we always would be despite the isolation.
What became essential suddenly became more personally meaningful.
Priorities reordered. Crooked lines straightened. Vision cleared.
People I knew died.
People I knew had babies.
All without hugs from me.
My business boomed. Too bad it was because too many people were “on the ledge,” ready to jump.
So much honesty and truth as people were brave enough to face their deep but narrow gaps that only could be seen when work and home merged into one location.
I adapted my in-person power presence to the digital space and matured my flair for words to grow an engaged, beautiful network.
My world got smaller physically but expanded globally digitally.
The earth healed because we weren’t pounding on it, sucking it dry…at least for a few months.
We all adapted because humans always will find a way to stay human.
No matter fucking what.
Even when I…
Watched the world fall apart
The third pin dropped on the Map into the Unknown.
The news got more intensely bleak and hopeless.
I got sick of it and turned it off permanently.
Photo by Nigel Tadyanehondo on Unsplash
And instead, followed a hunch and resented that I had to spend hours doing my own data and financial analysis for a more truthful narrative, a skill gained while being a data project manager at my last corporate job.
And that took me into places I couldn’t quite wrap my head around.
And yet, as my knowledge expanded, I saw that I jumped quantum timelines every week. A higher perspective that automatically re-toned how I saw my past and the world around me.
And, this gave me a level of visibility I had dreamed of since the moment I created my company.
I stood out without trying and began to be sought out by both my truest desires and those who helped me realize them.
As a mentor once told me, “If it’s too weird, it’s probably true” as each day, I fell into…
Rabbit holes deeper than my soul
The fourth pin dropped on the Map into the Unknown.
Life stories and their entrenching programs suddenly became applicable to the global story.
Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash
I went to dark places that reflected truths and flat points in my business confidence that translated to what I saw entire countries go through.
Falling off-center.
Coming together stronger.
Many, many people from disparate backgrounds converged, telling the same story that weaves the political, religious, educational, entertainment, science, health, and financial into a web that entraps humanity
During a year with so many polarizing events, it became clear that “united we stand, divided we fall” was a deliberate game with hidden rules that stacked the odds against us…
…that people gave their uninformed consent to.
I saw the depth of sociology’s programming as people I loved showed parts of themselves spew more hate than a witch’s cauldron could hold.
I learned to hold my truth in a space big enough to hold other people’s truths, too, without judging them.
And that set me free to more fully…
Show up for only myself
The fifth pin dropped on the Map into the Unknown.
I learned that I was both pressing the gas and brake pedals at the same time.
Putting my body weight on expectations of how people should show up or receive me.
That by resenting constrictions only created the reality for this resistance to exist.
I realized that I was doing this to myself that unwittingly rippled to my company.
Photo by Sasha Freemind on Unsplash
So, I stopped….
…and decided to just show up for myself.
To give myself the grace I so generously give to others…
…to let myself know that I have done enough already.
I learned to stay in my swimlane and do what makes me happy, to do what’s right for me, believe I deserve it, and trust that I could receive the enormity of my dreams…
…that exists in a space where there are so few other people, no reference points, and no limitations to possibilities.
There, no matter how complex the stakes are, the harder oppression pushes, the more powerful light in humans grows exponentially.
And, the humanity in humans always wins.
Life, as we knew it before 2020, is gone forever in ways that you may not even imagine…yet.
My life expands organically and perfectly, just the way I dreamed it would.
My business mirrors this back to me because that’s what my eyes naturally see and my soul creates freely.
In a time where mandates are formed on a whim, I will always be free no matter what.
I can’t believe it’s been a year since CV-19 cloaked humanity.
I can’t believe it took me this long to know that I choose where to drop the pins on the Map into the Unknown.
If you want to learn how to drop your pins on the Map into the Unknown, reach out to me. I’m here for you.
#UnfilteredJoy #WhatAYear #Freedom